Byzantine Studies on the Net
Thoughtline.com 1996-2000

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This Page Last Updated 12/12/2000
Server Move!
With the server move will come the long....long delayed updates I have been
promising for 2 years. Look for it by late October 2004.
Byzantine Related Links
(We are always looking for
new and useful links. Please email
us with useful links, link changes and dead links.)
Byzantine Studies Page - Probably the best and most comprehensive
Byzantine related site on the web. If you have the time and
want to know anything related to the Byzantine Empire then this should be
a definite stop.
Byzantine Studies Conferece - Byzantine Studies Conference
courtesy of the University of Southern Carolina.
Information page about the Eastern Roman
- Partially complete and very slow to load since it is on GeoCities
overcapacity servers. Note:
There does not seem to have been an update of this site since early 1999.
State University - Information on the Byzantine Empire in respect to
its relation with a related calss at the school. Compiled by Timothy E.
of Michigan - Overview of The University of Michigans collections
Dumbarton Oaks - Research Library and
Collections in Byzantine studies.
Stucture of the Byzantine Empire - Deals with many of the political outgrowths that came about after the birth of the Latin Empire.
The Romaioi Site - This site has continued to grow for quite some time. Great place to find information in a easy to use setting.
Chronology of Ancient History
- Very comprehensive chronology of all
WebChron - The deptarment of history at North Park Universtyhas put together this partially hyperlinked timeline of the Byzantine period.
Timeline - Large graphical timeline of the Byzantine Empire. Very pleasing to look
at. Note:
Bandwith warning. Very large image on opening screen.
Art and Architecture
Art and Architecture - Art and Architecture of the Byzantine Empire.
Divided into three periods. About a dozen graphics available for viewing.
The Catholic Encyclopedia - Art page with a distinct religous
Hagia Sophia - Details and pictures on the restoration of Hagia Sophia
Pec - Art and Architecture of the Patriarchate of Pec.
Roman Army
- Discussion of all types of Roman military apparatuses.
Rome - Really neat site
which discusses the Roman military structure in a fair amount of detail in a
chronological format.
Women in Byzantium -
Bibliography of sources on Women in Byzantium.
Political Setup
History of
Istanbul - History of Istanbul ,Constantinople, in a chronological
Albania -
History of the Byzantine Empire in Illyria and Albania.
Paliochora -
The Australian Paliochora-Kythera Archaeological Survey.
Anatolia - History of Anatolia from Ancient Times to Modern including a nice overview of the Byzantine period.
Aphrodisias - Overview of this ancient city in South Western Asia Minor.
Studies - Byzantines in Renaissance Italy. Study of Byzantines in
Italy in late antiquity
Constantinople - French and English language page telling the tale of Constaninople. Warning! This page is absolutely awful in an artistic sense. Put on sunglasses. This site is also very political in its content.
- Site with many good links and fine overview of Constantinople.
Theodora: From
to Sovereign-Description
and history of the Empress Theodora. New site with a lot of new
information expected.
List - List of Roman rulers of all periods. Note:
I can get to this site but it doesn't seem to be functioning correctly.
Roman Emperors - Directory of Royal Genealogical Data on Eastern Roman
Hyperlinked List
- List of many Roman rulers from Augustus to Constantine XIII.
Emperors - Directory of Royal Genealogical Data on Trebizond
Byzantine Related References
Byzantine Literature - Byzantine Related references from the online Catholic Encyclopedia.
Directory of Ancient Historians in the United States - Directory of ancient historians in the United States, second edition, compiled by Konrad H. Kinzl, Claremont CA: Regina Books.
Rated Links Database - This is the outcome of a student who databased, categorized and rated what he considered all relevant Byzantine material. The author of the database seems to have had a moderately low opinion of this site but even so his work is interesting and worth a look.
Excellant list of Byzantine Related books
INCLUDING many out of print titles.
Limited Area Search Engines